Latitude. What words would describe Latitude 2023 as a review? Fabulous. Wet. Expensive. Muddy. Joyous. Family orientated. Big! To make the most of going to Latitude… – Make sure you have comfortable walking boots. Not shoes. Boots. Why? Because when it’s wet and muddy you’ll appreciate them having more grip than wellies. And coming […]

Why do you not blog any more?
Great question. There are several reasons why I don’t blog any more. I have teenagers. They aren’t so keen on their cute / dumb / annoying statements being shared with the world en masse any more. As I get older, I’m becoming less of a sharer. Many things in the world frustrate me. Mummy Barrow […]

Duxford Soap Box Derby 2022
We are so proud of our boys today. I mean we’re proud of them everyday 😉 But today we’re particularly proud of them. They entered into the Duxford Soap Box Derby! Well, I say entered. It was more a case of one teen coming home from Cadets all fired up about it – and Lovely […]

And just like that… I wrote a new ‘About Me’ page…
It only took me four years. But I wrote a new “About Me” page tonight. I’m quite pleased with myself.

A line in the sand…
So, here’s the old “About me” page. I’m now going to write a new one. I have no idea what the new one will look like though. But it’s a good starting point if I’m going to start over with this blog… So let’s see where it takes me to.

Just when you think you can’t get any more of it…
The dust returns. Our floor bloke came and started on the craters in the floor this week and put down a sealant to help us with the dust. For 48 hours we could breathe easily. And then today, Le Husband has started with a project – making us a dining table and benches. And I’ve […]

Let the celebrations begin…
Yes. Yes. And Yes. I have news. I return to full time employment on Monday 7th September. Mum’s all inclusive, five star, bespoke meals on wheels and snacks on demand home school / holiday resort is closing. And for the most part, I’m ruddy delighted about it. This is a long ish post, with a […]

Teenage boys and deodorant. Will the twain ever meet?
As we are now in the zone of teenagers, I have instigated a new set of rules for the males of the household. This is hereafter referred to as our ‘Scratch and Sniff’ policy. Each Monday to Friday, you get up, clean your teeth, put deodorant and ‘smelly’ (aftershave) on and get dressed. You are […]

EF Students in Cambridge – our hall of fame…
We’re really missing the fun of having our EF Students here with us in Cambridge. So I thought it would be good to make a hall of fame for the students who’ve lived with us over the last year. They’re not going to be in order of arrival / leaving – I’m going to find […]

Lockdown discoveries – what works and what doesn’t
We’ve done two weeks of homeschooling and one week of Easter holidays. Like everyone else, we’re adjusting and some things are working out well, whilst some other things aren’t working out quite so well. I thought it might be useful to share on both of them, so you can benefit from our experiences… What’s working […]

Me, myself and I – March 2020
I’ve been struggling to write here. With all that’s happening in the world, I was as to what is and isn’t appropriate. But then I saw this and it’s made me smile, so I’ll put it here… << Just in case you’re here to secure my passwords, they are entirely unrelated to anything in this […]
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