Disclaimer: This is not a formatted post. I’m in a write and run mood. Some images will be centered. Some won’t. It’s ok to do that on a personal blog, isn’t it?
Hi. I’m Liz Weston. Remember me? The Cambridge Mummy. Married to Lovely Bloke. Mother of Two Boys. Food Provider to Scout, the untrained Cockerpoo. Yes. The walking cliche. So. Where are we up to?
Well, I’m starting with an apology. I have been woefully absent from The Blog haven’t I? I’m sorry about that. Life and adventures have been keeping me away from here. But I’m here now, which is progress… Well. Until I go out for fresh air with Lovely Bloke in a moment.
It’s January 2020. I didn’t write a round up of 2019. I was busy having adventures with my family. So I’m quite pleased with that. I’m online now as part of a promise I’ve made to myself – that I will write about something on my blog every week of 2020. I’ve been so busy working that I’ve not spent enough time looking after myself. And part of me is tied up in the blogging community which I love.
So it is fitting that my first blog for the new decade is therefore not about me. But about people in that community. Who I think are rather fabulous.
First up, are Becky Goddard-Smith and Penny Alexander. After the success of their first book, they’ve just released “Be happy, be you“. It’s a book for teenagers – here’s the amazon blurb….
“This positive and insightful guide gives you the tools to build your confidence, eliminate negative feelings and boost happiness in all areas of your life. Being a teenager has its own unique challenges, but it’s also the perfect time to shape your own mental wellbeing and happiness. Scientists reckon 40% of your happiness is within your control, that’s A LOT of happiness and this book will help you to harness it…
There are tons of ideas to try from creating an anxiety toolkit, to planning a digital detox and meditating, plus you’ll learn the science behind why they work. Carry out the activities by yourself or with family and friends and take your happiness into your own hands!”
It’s on sale everywhere – Jenny Soppet Smith Smith found it in Sainsbury’s for £4.99 which makes it barginous enough for you to buy as a ‘saw this and thought of you’ book.
Next, I’d like to remind you of the fabulousness that is Mummy Barrow. Opinionated, making the most of life and supportive of others. I love her. She’s en route to becoming the Next Granny Barrow and I can’t wait to see how life expands for her and her family as they grow together.
She started the weekend off with an impromptu night away and the breakfast of Kings. Life goals, in Instagram Stories. Winning.
And finally, we have the beauty that is Lady Kelly Innes. She used to write on a traditional blog but these days she’s evolved to documenting her life on Instagram with beautiful, witty, insightful takes on life. I particularly love it when she and her family travel. They do house swaps and go to incredible places. Over Christmas they went further afield and did hotel life – the write ups were brilliant.
I have so many posts half written, in draft, that I’m going to have a real go at getting them over the line this today. They might not be chronological but they’ll be me. Getting back to where I want part of me to be. Online here with you lot. x
A great read honey – you’re not the only one who’s lost their blogging mojo. I really should get back
Hello Sausage. We can do this – we still have the words and likely, some music in us xx
Thanks so much for including me Liz. I hope you know how much I cherish our friendship
Awww, that’s lovely. Thank you T. Am so excited for you as you venture to becoming Granny Barrow Jr xx Lots of love to you all xx
So lovely to see you blog again – and to mention these fabulous ladies too. Welcome back and hope to be able to pop in again soon x
Lovely to see you here Liz. Life has chnged a lot since we all started blogging over a decade ago. Mich x
You are an angel to be thinking of me. I am so grateful to have you championing me at every step x
Always x
Welcome back lovely friend x
Perfect timing – to find this comment from you here today 🙂 Thank you! Onwards x