And the smaller one. And the smallest one. And it's the smallest one that's most important to me today. I've had a busy day - leaving the house at 6.30am and getting home at 6.10pm. And when I got home, I cuddled and squeezed all three of my best boys, and shared a bath with … [Read more...]
Apparently, this is *my song*
I love this song. It makes me so happy. I bop along to it in my car and now I'm wibbling in my seat, working away.. Does anyone remember Ally McBeal and their theme songs? Hope I'm not out on a limb here, because this is *so* a theme song for me. Ironic of course, given that I … [Read more...]
I HATE my hair
I am gutted. I thought I was soooo smart, having my hair that was past my shoulders cut into a statement haircut - you know, all chic, cool and sassy. And instead, I look like a berk. It's really hard for me. I think to myself "it's ok, it's going to grow".. but I'm to look even … [Read more...]
The big c…
No, not cancer, but hey that's one hell of a marketing / pr campaign when we all think of it when we hear that phrase, isn't it? But the Other One. Commitment. It's hard enough to spell, let alone demonstrate it these days... I'm thinking about commitment, in various forms, … [Read more...]
Now lets see how photos look when I use this theme…
How does it look then, putting photos into this blog theme. Lets see... Well, I cannot get it to center, no matter what I do. Which is irritating. But other than that, it's come out ok, I think. … [Read more...]
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