No, not cancer, but hey that’s one hell of a marketing / pr campaign when we all think of it when we hear that phrase, isn’t it? But the Other One. Commitment. It’s hard enough to spell, let alone demonstrate it these days…
I’m thinking about commitment, in various forms, quite a bit at the moment. Some of the things I’m thinking about include:
1. Why it is that I don’t feel as enthusiastic about being a mummy as I used to. Have I lost my commitment to our boys?
2. How I can commit to my marriage for the long term and work out how we can avoid being the people who only have their kids in common. Sometimes I feel we aren’t connected enough, and I love lovely bloke so much, that I want to still be as into him in 50 years time as I am now.
3. I want to commit to myself – to lose weight, to respect myself a bit more by taking more time out for myself.
4. To decide on what I’m going to do with my work commitments going forwards. I need to decide whether I’m going to remain self employed or part employed/part self employed or employed by others.
I’ve been looking for quotes on commitment and found this one. I like it.
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” Norman Vincent Peale
The only obstacle I have is myself, so I’m going to start doing something about it.
What do you want to commit to? What’s your obstacle? What are you going to do about it?
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