When I was 18, I left home to go to University and since then, apart from living at home during my final year, I’ve not lived there since. Even in the summers, I usually lived somewhere else whilst working. I then moved to London as I thought wearing Karen Millen suits and drinking Pinot Grigio would be the highlight of my existence. After that, I moved to Hertfordshire with ‘The Current Applicant’ before leaving him and getting my first place on my own.
When I met Lovely Bloke I had a two bedroom flat in Biggleswade and he had a ‘proper house’ in Cambridge. And that’s how we’ve ended up living here. Lovely Bloke’s family is close by and we see our two Nephews from that side of the family frequently, which is a great thing for all of us.
Until noon on Monday this week. What happened?
Well, my Niece was born – my Brother and very wonderful Sister in Law have had their first baby together. They live near Manchester and I didn’t realise just how worked up I could get about being at the other end of the M6 plus another couple of hours in the car. It’s 4 hours on a good day and 7 on a bad day.
I thought that I was happy with Cambridge being our family home – Lovely Bloke is Cambridge born and bread. He tries to put his passport in his hand to cross a county border. I’ve always been more adventurous and when the boys were small I felt sad and lonely for my Mum and Dad. But this, this feels next generation. I hope it’s just the intensity of our new Niece arriving. Because if it feels like this on an ongoing basis, we’re going to be putting a lot of miles on our relatively new car in a short space of time.
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