November 2018 – it was November last year when I started counselling with Bronwen. Ostenisbly it was about my Dad and his dementia and how his decline was affecting my life. But counselling being what it was. And me being the sort of person who responds really well to it, in the end, I did so much learning about myself. And how I just want to be myself and to not allow myself to bend myself into any number of shapes or positions to fit to what others want of me. Seeing this post from September 2014 – more than four years ago – !!!!! – makes me realise just how I have always been there, I’ve just been trying to figure out how to let myself be me. I am so grateful to myself, that I wrote this post. What a lovely thing to find. Are you being you? Are you trusting yourself? If you’re not, do it. You’ll never regret it. Promise.
I’ve had several opportunities to be myself in the last few days and it’s really paid off. Personally and professionally. I don’t know why, but I’m always wanting to do better, to achieve more, to ‘succeed’ at whatever I’m doing. Why I can’t apply it to eating less sugar based food, I have no idea, but I’m working on it.
Anyway, some things have happened where truly being myself has been a good thing. And I wanted to share some of those things with you.
1. I felt vulnerable in a work situation. So I told someone about it – they not only told me not to worry, but did something that showed me just how happy they were with my work for them to date. My being truthful and getting it out of the way, freed up space for other great things to come through.
2. I asked for help with something I was doing online. The numbers of friends who “pitched up” truly overwhelmed me. I can’t thank them enough for it and look forward to opportunities to pay them back individually and collectively as they arise.
3. I did an interview for work. And rather than “present” myself to them as what I think would be the best interviewee – the most professional, strong, go get em, somewhat aggressive person, I did it as me. And it went beautifully. I was really pleased with it. I was like something out of City Slickers. Tell me you remember the film, don’t you?
So, that’s that.
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